Online meeting for Slow Learning

online meeting featured

An online meeting for SlowLearning project took place on 09 June 2020. The second transnational meeting of the project was planned for 16 & 17 June 2020 in Greece, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic was not possible to take place. So, partners organized online meeting, in order to discuss for the next steps of the project implementation.

the meeting

The online meeting started with partners describing the situation in their countries because of the COVID-19. They discussed for the difficulties that they had to deal with, due to the pandemic and how they can get over them and continue the implementation of the project without problems. In the following steps of the project is the conduct of an online survey in all partners’ countries which the partners thoroughly analysed. This survey aims at recording the effective tools and practices in teaching technology to older people. How the partners will conduct this survey was an issue discussed in length.

the discussions

In addition, partners discussed about the second newsletter of the project which will be published the coming month. The lead partner is responsible for the creation of the newsletter and he will send them the English version, in order to do the translations in their languages.

Finally, project partners discussed for the upcoming activities of the project and set the responsible person for each one of them.

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