Name give the Method:
Older people tame IT
Presentation/Description of the method:
Introduction to method presentation and method 1
We think this very brief and accurate presentation of a quit huge report published in Denmark back in 2005 describing and concluding an overall result of 11 implemented projects, testing and examine fruitful learning/teaching methods for older people’s developing their IT skills.
The presentation is done by professor Birgit Jæger Roskilde University (slide 4).
Even though her conclusion don`t match our approach(slide no 5 & 6) in the Slow Learning project I think it is important to have in mind – when Slow Learning move on.
However as you will see in our comment to this Good practice no 1 – she ends up pointing out a method or some parts important to be aware of if the ambition is to teach seniors to develop their approach to IT and competences to use IT.

Final comment:
However, that Professor Birgit Jæger refer in Slide 5 that:
The project managers agreed that the projects hadn`t led to development
of special senior pedagogical methods to build up IT-expertise among the participants
and state in Slide 6 that:
Teaching the elderly differs in most manager’s opinion, not from educating adults in general
We believe professor Birgit Jæger Roskilde University from slide 7 and to the end of the presentation (slide 21) points out a substantial number of essential points. Points out a number of areas of awareness, if and when a pedagogical approach is to be described and a belonging methodology to be developed and established, to support the best learning and training process of senior citizens to become more IT competent.
Birgit Jæger: Elderly tame technology
become active citizens in information Society