Our Kick off Meeting

slowlearning project team Our Kick off Meeting

The Kick off Meeting for European Project SLOW LEARNING was held on 7 & 8 October 2019, in Ptuj, Slovenia. SLOW LEARNING is a new European Project Erasmus+ KA2 that aims at developing the skills of the IT trainers for older people.

The meeting started with the presentation of the project, its objectives and the activities that must be accomplished.

The need of seniors for basic computer skills and the contribution of the project in this area were discussed. The main project’s objective is the training of trainers of older people.

Furthermore, partners conferred about the training program of trainers to be held in Spain.

Finally, timetables for their next activities and upcoming meeting were established.

Project partners are Ljudska Univerza from Slovenia, SOSU from Denmark, p-consulting.gr from Greece, CDEA and Estrategia y Organización SA from Spain.

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