A job profile for IT trainers of seniors is nowadays needed. ΙΤ trainers should be able to design and deliver training programmes in information technology (IT), focusing to the special needs of seniors. In addition to his IT professional skills and training, he needs to be expert in User skills. He needs to have a good knowledge of ageing regarding retention and cognitive abilities.
An IT trainer of seniors has to know how to react and work with seniors.
There is an obstacle to learning in a mature age. With aging follows a natural deterioration of brain function, causing a progressive weakening of concentration, memory and mental flexibility. The ability to generate new synapses between neurons in response to external stimuli, such as teaching and training, declines. Acquiring new knowledge and skills therefore becomes more and more difficult with age.
Partners worked together with training organizations, IT trainers and seniors, in order to define what an IT trainer of seniors should be able to do.