Interviews of IT trainers and people took place in all SlowLearning’s countries and were completed on March 2020. Through these interviews, the status quo of IT trainers, training seniors will be mapped. These interviews were addressed to educational centers, colleges, IT trainers and professionals around IT. The participation of experts in IT was necessary, in order to have realistic and focused data.
What were the questions?
The IT trainers were asked for their experiences, their needs and the problems that they are facing regarding training of seniors. The seniors keep on having issues in being trained on new technologies, so open questions about this were included.
What were the answers?
There are too many obstacles for seniors in IT. IT knowledge is necessary nowadays for seniors, but difficult enough for them to create the need for their trainers to be upskilled or even reskilled. Being a senior and knowing how to use IT tools in everyday life is a guarantee to ensure a better quality of life, but how can they learn IT?
As trainers mentioned, specific methods and tools are essential for the effective and successful training of seniors in IT.
Why did we ask these questions?
The partners will analyze, study and exploit the results of the interviews to identify the problems and find existing or create new effective tools and methods for a better IT training of seniors. The outcome of this report will be the base for the next steps of the project.
Seniors need well-trained trainers, in order to remain active in the society. Trainers have to acquire the necessary competences and skills in seniors’ IT training.
The report of these interviews will soon be available online!