3rd SlowLearning’s Newsletter

3rd newsletter featured

The 3rd SlowLearning’s Newsletter is now ready! Read it below and learn more about our project!


What does the 3rd newsletter include?

  • We finalized the development of Job Profile of IT trainers of seniors: The Job Profile includes the knowledge and skills needed for an IT trainer, in order to deliver training programs to seniors. It also contains all the aspects and the special characteristics of this specific group of learners and the appropriate techniques of training for them.


  • We are working on the Training Program for IT trainers: The training program will aim at the enhancement of competences and skills of IT trainers, regarding the training of seniors. It will include basic concepts concerning how to teach seniors to use digital technology and innovative methods and training techniques. The training program will be available on English, Slovenian, Danish, Greek and Spanish, and the piloting will be implemented in all partners’ countries.


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