The Training of IT educators has started to take shape!

man writing on board

The importance of a Training program for IT educators

Technology is developing rapidly and it is not easy for people over 65 to keep up with this pace. They need well-trained IT trainers who can understand their needs and introduce them to new technologies. However, reality shows that there is a lack of skills among IT trainers on how to adequately train older people.

To bridge the gap between older people and IT trainers, Slow Learning project aims to create a training program for IT trainers.

Slow Learning team gathered to San Sebastian

To do this, the partnership met together with IT trainers in San Sebastian (Basque Country) on 26-27-28.10.2021, in order to finalise and test the developed training program.

During the meeting, the partners discussed and exchanged ideas with IT trainers and experts in adult training (especially training of older people), on the online training program for IT educators. They agreed on the content, modules, structure and objectives of the program and defined the next steps until its completion.

IT educators who speak Danish, Greek, Slovenian and Spanish, will have the option to follow the online training program in one of those languages and of, course in English!

The development of this training program will be completed with a pilot implementation in January – February 2022 in Greece, Spain, Slovenia and Denmark.



Training of IT educators    Training of IT educators    Training of IT educators

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