Technology and older people

slowlearning technology for elders

New technologies and internet have positive impact in the quality of life of seniors. Familiarization of elderlies with new technologies gives them access to knowledge, allows them to choose the sources of information, and helps them to be more social in their daily life. It is essential to understand the reasons that lead to technological and social exclusion of elders.


IT trainers

IT trainers of seniors have to be well trained and familiar with the synchronous adult methods of training. Seniors are a different group of adults, with specific educations needs and expectation. IT trainers need to know the methods and techniques which are appropriate for the training of older people in new technologies. The main problem, which most educators are facing, is that they do not have the required knowledge and skills on working methods with seniors.


Age gap and educational methods for IT training


On October 2019 started the European project Slow Learning, aiming in developing the skills and competences of IT educators of seniors.

The training of the educators will take place through an educational e-platform, and will focus to the specific needs of older people when they are learning new technologies.

Project is being implement in Slovenia, Greece, Spain and Denmark. Partners are Universities, Colleges and organizations with expertise in IT.

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