On-line survey on existing tools/practices in teaching technology to seniors


Dear Sir/Madame,

We are the members of an European research group, working on the development of the skills of IT teachers working with seniors, under the project “Developing the skills of IT trainers of older people – SLOW LEARNING”, supported by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. The project is conducted by training institutions and organisations coming from four European countries – Slovenia, Greece, Denmark and Spain.

The aim of this questionnaire is to collect some data on innovative and effective practices, methods and tools in teaching technology to seniors. Your answers will allow us to select good practices in teaching IT to older people and these good practices will be part of a compendium which will be online to project’s website.

Any information provided in this survey is recorded anonymously and will be used solely by the SLOW LEARNING project working team. We will not sell, trade, or transfer an individual’s personal information to any third party or entity. The SLOW LEARNING partnership respects the privacy rights of the people who will fill in the questionnaire in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/ EU and the current national and European legal and regulatory framework for the protection of personal data.

Thank you for your help.