3rd Best national practices and experiences from Denmark

Name give the Method:

Be friend with your computer.

Presentation/Description of the method:

Short intro.

Denmark have right now app 1.180.000 senior citisens. The Association Dan Age in Denmark have more than 830.000 members.

The following are copied from Dan Age`s homepage addressing their senior members.


If you need help getting started with your computer, you can learn what a computer is and how to use the mouse with an e-learning course.

You get the most out of your computer if you know a little about how it works and what features and capabilities it has.

For example, if you’ve only tried to use a computer a few times, or if you just want to get better at using your computer, then an e-learning course is a great way to learn more.

1.      Click here to go to the course “Be friend with your computer”

The course “Stay with your computer” requires that you have flash installed.

2.      Install flash

The e-learning program is a collaboration between Elder Sagen and the IT company KMD.


This is how the course is structured

The “Get Done With Your Computer” course is an e-learning program. That is, you learn while using your computer. You can sit at home or somewhere else while doing so. You can also divide the course into smaller bites.

“Stay with your computer” contains 8 chapters. You can take the chapters one by one as they suit you. And you can return to a chapter if you would like to try it again:

1.       What is a computer?

2.       What can you use a computer for?

3.       How to use the mouse.

4.       How to find around your computer

5.       How to use the keypad.

6.       How to search the web.

7.       To write and send an email.

The course is structured so that it is simple, clear and easy to use. You start by getting an introduction, so you get a basic knowledge of what the course contains.

Along the way, you also get the help of an expert. It is a figure in the program that explains the various topics and gives praise and help.

Find more learning on the internet

If you have the courage for more, you can find more e-learning in the library’s collection of e-learning courses on IT that you can use in your everyday life.

Here, for example, you can find small easy courses in genealogy on the web, e-books, digital mail, a number of public self-service solutions and much more.

Final comment:

This e-learning program combine with the establishment of workshops in almost all cities and

Villages, where volunteer seniors;

  1. Sits and wait for other seniors to have the opportunity to come and present what they will like to know about their computer and/or what skills and competences they will like to learn and develop.
  2. Announce in local newspapers and pin ups in local hotspots and offer particularly supportive courses focusing on specific IT-tools.
  3. Offer to come to people at their private addresses to teach and train them.


Along with these initiatives access to computers are made possible at different locations, Libraries,

activity places for senior citizens, public offices – cafes and so on, to make it easy to all, who don`t

have a computer, to have access to a computer.