1st Best national practice and experience from Slovenia

General information


Name of the good practice SPIDW – Strategic Partnership For Older People’s Inclusion Into The Digital World
Name of the organisation or institution in charge of the project EureCons Förderagentur GmbH, Germany
Address, City Parkstraße 1
D- 86405 Meitingen
Country Germany
1st project year 2018
Is the project ongoing? (time alive) 1.10.2018 – 30.9.2020
The good practice is to be found at web.address http://www.spidw.eu/
Website of the organisations

EureCons Förderagentur GmbH, Germany

AidLearn, Portugal

PRO-MED, Poland

Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje, Slovenia

Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie, Bulgaria

Spolupracou pre lepsiu buducnost – VM, Slovakia

Association for Intercultural Dialogue, Romania





Short description of the project, of the method

The preliminary needs analysis conducted in each partner organization has shown that older people lacked updated digital skills which may cause a lot of problems for them and decrease their quality of life. Retirees may live alone, though they have the need to socialize, remain in constructive touch with other people, have a lot to give. Therefore, there is an urgent need for them to have access to education based on digital tools. Using digital tools is essential for both themselves  and society. If  they were excluded from the technologically rapidly  changing world, if they did not go hand in hand with the developing technology, this may erect divides between them and within  generations, social groups, indeed entire society and might degrade the social cohesion and interconnectivity.

Priorities of the project are allocated in extending and developing educators’ competences, open education and innovative practices in a digital era and social inclusion.

Methodology: Trainers, experts, teachers, social workers who work with older people will be trained how to use effective good practices. They will participate in 3 training activities: in Germany, Slovenia and Portugal for improving ICT skill and learning new methods as well as a lot of techniques how seniors to have better access to apps, new skills for jobs, how to be better integrated in society and to send their digital messages to their grandchildren also to the world using favorite arts tools as cinema making (production of shorts films, documentary – biographic interviews, Web TV with video resources, distant learning, etc.).


General objective

The main objectives of the project are:

  • to enable organizations to develop and strengthen their capacity to increase the ability to work internationally by sharing ideas, methods and good practices and implement successful activities with older people at local, national and international level;
  • to improve capacity of experts working with retired in digital field;
  • social inclusion

Digital skills older people obtain for communication create a better quality of life.

Secondary objectives:

  • to provide conditions and opportunities for older people to obtain digital skills getting familiar with and participating in carefully selected good practices, including filmmaking;
  • to train the trainers about  how to apply in older adult education good practices based on most advanced  digital  tools;
  • to enable educational providers to develop and strengthen their capacity to work internationally, sharing ideas, methods and good practices and
  • to implement successful activities with older people at local, regional and national level.


Target groups – participants

Trainers, teachers, social workers, experts, who work with older people. They will be trained how to apply the selected effective good practices.

Bringing together experts, teachers, mentors social workers (and so on)to collect collaboratively good practices to include older people in the digtial world.

The workshop provides the necessary skills to spread the non-formal methods learned and to apply them practically. Every partner organization will share the knowledge with interested persons and involved stakeholders.


Which resources were necessary for the project?

The results will be:

  • at least 2 films per partner ( 14); a web site for uploading films and documentary videos;
  • E-brochure with selected good practices examples for free access for any expert working with older people;
  • A Moodle based platform that will be used for the repository and communication purposes to support the project tasks. For each task a separate Learning Room will be established to support collecting documents and products. For communication each Learning Room will offer a dedicated Forum.
  • Older people will extend their social network to  peers from abroad.
  • SPIDW International Training. Ljubljana, 25.-27. September 2019


Why it has been selected as good practice

The Association for Intercultural Dialogue is trying to provide elderly people from Argeş County with conditions to acquire digital skills through the SPIDW (Strategic Partnership for older people’s inclusion into the digital world) within the Erasmus + Program, Adult Education Strategic Partnerships. This project is being developed in partnership with: EureCons Förderagentur GmbH (Germany), Aidlearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos Lda. (Slovenia), Balkan Agency for Ustoychivo Razvitie (Bulgaria) and Cooperative for better buducnost – Velky Meder (Slovakia), PRO-MED association for ograniczone odpowiedzialnoscia (Polonia), Slovak university for the third period of life, association for the promotion and co- ).
Regarding the local partners, the Curtea de Arges Municipal Museum, through Mr. Stefan Dumitrache, expressed his desire to get involved in the project by organizing activities for older people participating in the project at Casa Norocea. The project is supported by Curtea de Arges City Hall, part of the activities being carried out at the Retirement Recreation Day Center.
The final users of this project, pensioners have much to share. In this project, they will be taught to make films to share their experience with the young generation.
Thanks to this project, the elderly will find friends from other countries with similar interests and will have the chance to send their messages to Europe on the basis of their life stories through cinematic tools.